Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Fryer free crispy hot wings!

A quick post night, purely because the longer I sit and think about these finger licking, tastey delights, the more likely I am to brave the storm outside and go grab me a packet of wings! I.must.resist.

Years ago, chicken on the bone and chicken skin creeped me out big style! Which was a pity as I was missing out on so much flavour with parts like the thigh! I'm glad to say I got over that 'phase' however, I'm still not overly OK with skin - particularly soggy skin. Yuck!

I came across THE best chicken wings in a sea view hotel in Northern Ireland a few years ago and I have been hooked ever since, having to order them whenever I see them on a menu and always being disappointed when they don't live up to expectations. However, I have recently managed to recreate those crispy yet succulent chicken wings with moreish hot sauce from home following multiple (failed) trials. This is how to get exceptionally close to those hot wings I first tried in Ireland.....without the use of a deep fat fryer!

For the crispy skin you MUST first of all boil the chicken wings in VERY salty water- salty like the sea. Don't worry this doesn't translate into your end meal but it does zap out some of that fat and dehydrate the chicken skin before roasting- you can often hear the wings squeek (or is it chirp?) in the pot as they go. Boil for 20mins in this VERY salty water and then transfer to a lined preheated baking tray.

Your oven and tray should be hot, around 200 degrees and roast the wings for 40mins or until the wings are golden.

Meanwhile, in a pot melt together butter (unsalted), Franks Hot Sauce and Worcestershire sauce until you get a light orange colour. (I will leave volumes to you as some like it hot, hot however I would say 50g butter to 2 tablespoons of Franks  and a glug of WS)

Once your wings are ready, dress them in the orange hot sauce and serve. Remember to take kitchen wipe, these are messy! Or be sophisticated if you are sharing with guests and have a bowl of warm water with sliced lemon in it to hand- quite literally.

Enjoy folks! I'm actually salivating as I type! !!! X

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